Woke Medical Establishment Mutilates Free Speech in Push to Mutilate Children
Plus, check out my China speech and commentary on the folly of FOIA
Medical Establishment Wants Less Free Speech, More Mutilated Children
If its appeal for state-Big Tech action against critics is any indication, the Woke medical establishment now not only seeks to encourage interventions up to the mutilation of children's' bodies, but with it the mutilation of Americans' free speech rights in service of its lucrative "gender-affirming care" enterprise.
The American Medical Association (AMA), joined by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association, recently delivered a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for him to unleash the Justice Department on foes of efforts to transition children.
In so doing, the AMA et al. took a page out of the notorious National School Board Association (NSBA) playbook—part of the Ruling Class’s broader effort to neutralize any threat to its power and privilege by casting critics as dangerous and siccing the security state on them.
I’ve got the full story in a new piece at Newsweek.