Woke and Weak: Biden Punishes Americans, Emboldens Adversaries
Wokeism demands subjugating the Unwoke. Wokeism and weakness demand appeasing enemies and fueling their aggression.
Woke and Weak: Biden Punishes Americans, Emboldens Adversaries
While the Biden administration fixates on smearing political opponents as domestic terrorists and effectively silencing, targeting and pursuing them accordingly, bona fide terrorists, foreign adversaries and violent criminals have been greenlit to act with total impunity.
In a new piece at Newsweek, I cover the striking contrast in recent developments.
As I conclude:
…[T]he Woke Biden regime is making those who dissent from its orthodoxy enemies of the state, while our actual enemies pounce and seize.
Those enemies—non-state jihadists, China, Russia and Iran—are all on the march…appeased and emboldened by weakness.
Wokeism would dictate appeasement, holding that America's evil justifies our adversaries' aggression; that justice demands redistributing global power to the oppressed.
The danger of Wokeness and weakness extends to America's streets, where violent criminals roam free as a consequence of the anti-police, anti-policing efforts that flowed from the post-George Floyd Woke anti-cultural revolution. Under the banner of justice, the law-abiding must suffer the rampant injustice of threats to life and limb. Murderers at home, like murderers abroad, have no fear of facing consequences for their actions.
Our national security is under threat not from those who disapprove of Joe Biden, but from Biden's Wokeness and weakness.
Read the whole thing here.
And you can watch a related video I cut for AMAC below: