Why FBI Whistleblower Claims of Cooked Domestic Threat Books Ring True
Would it stun us that a regime that redefines 'recession,' or 'vaccination,' would also redefine critics as domestic violent extremists and unrelated cases as DVEs, in pursuit of power?
Why Wouldn't We Believe Whistleblower Claims of Domestic Threat Inflation?

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) recently revealed allegations of egregious FBI politicization that buttress Sen. Charles Grassley's (R-IA) damning conclusion from days earlier, based on his own findings of malfeasance: The FBI and the DOJ may be "institutionally corrupted to their very core."
According to Rep. Jordan, FBI whistleblowers assert they are being pressured to reclassify investigations as "domestic violent extremism" (DVE) when not merited, and rewarded for swelling the DVE caseload.
Given what we have learned in recent years about our security state, claims that the FBI would cook the books, inflating the threat our Ruling Class tells us is driven overwhelmingly by those who disagree with its orthodoxy, in order to justify a sprawling crackdown, would seem all too credible.
I explain in a new piece in Newsweek, writing in part:
The Ruling Class has equated dissent with danger, cast dissenters as domestic terrorists, and marshaled the awesome power of the security state and its private sector auxiliaries against them pursuant to America's first-of-its-kind National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. That strategy makes imposing regime orthodoxy, while punishing dissent, a national security imperative.
Despite this whole-of-government-plus mobilization, authorities have never been particularly forthcoming about the size and scope of the threat, and whether the threat justifies bringing the Global War on Terror to the home front. We are supposed to take their word for it—to trust the very institutions that have, as best illustrated in the Russiagate/Spygate affair, recklessly and ruthlessly pursued their political foes, while protecting their own, delegitimizing themselves in the process.
What little evidence the security state has produced about the domestic terror threat, be it in the form of declining annual domestic terror arrest figures, or its citing of several attacks per year resulting in fewer casualties than are seen within some cities in a month, makes the Ruling Class's case less than compelling.
One of the few metrics to which the Ruling Class has pointed in order to justify its chilling "counterterror" campaign is a reported surge in domestic terrorism investigations. This brings us to Rep. Jordan's revelations.
Read the whole thing here.
Is there any momentum behind having these agencies defunded and/or eliminated?