Trump Indictment Fundamentally Transforms America to Third-World Nation
Today we will witness a world-historical calamity from which there’s no going back
Trump Indictment Fundamentally Transforms America to Third-World Nation
The indictment of former president and current Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump by a leftist New York County district attorney, Alvin Bragg, borne of a wholly contrived, baseless, and unprecedented case that every other Trump-hating authority declined to bring, is an utter abomination.
It’s an outrageous assault on the rule of law that “normalizes” the other bastardized cases likely to come from Georgia to Washington DC in the perpetual coup against Trump and anyone else who dares to engage in the actual (thought)crime core to every Trump-related case: opposing our ruling elites.
It is, of course, election interference of the highest order.
It may well aim to provoke a counter-reaction to justify still further crackdowns on political dissenters—à la Jan. 6—or, at minimum, to divide and tear apart the country in service of the political ends of our ruling class.
To the extent the former president is not only legally persecuted but also forced to shut up about it—subjected to a gag order by the New York County DA, depriving him of his First Amendment rights as has been rumored—it would only add insult to the injury already done.
But as horrible as is this parade of horribles, perhaps the most calamitous aspect of this charade, with which we are unlikely to fully come to grips for years to come, is that it has shattered our republican system.
The case against Donald Trump could collapse. He could rally to victory in the 2024 presidential election. Every George Soros-backed official in the country could be fired.
Yet that DA Bragg brought this case can never be undone. A precedent has been set: America, like every other tinpot dictatorship, now legally persecutes leaders when out of power. Its rulers, Beria-like, seek to lock the opposition in jail, to criminalize dissent by finding a crime to fit the man. Now, as another New York prosecution just showed, our ruling class not only pursues presidents but wins cases convicting political meme-makers.
For generations, millions fled their ancestral homelands, penniless, and without knowing a word of English, to come to America in search of refuge from the very kind of regime ours has now become.
There is nowhere else to flee.
Read the rest at the Epoch Times.