The Right's Long Countermarch Through the Institutions Comes for Higher Education
Florida and North Carolina take back public colleges and universities from the Woke ideologues who have captured them -- consistent with their duty to ensure the academy serves the public's interest
Can the Right Make a Long Countermarch Through the Institutions?
Is the Right commencing a long countermarch through the institutions, including the very one – the academy – from which the Left’s own long march began?
Judging by the distress shown by some in the educational establishment, and like-minded corporate media, regarding higher-education reform efforts in North Carolina and Florida, one might get the impression that the countermarch is not only underway but rapidly advancing – threatening progressives’ stranglehold over schools and virtually every other American power center.
Recent efforts to promote genuine intellectual diversity at UNC-Chapel Hill and New College of Florida, spurred by Republican leaders and those to whom they have delegated power, can be seen as both modest and revolutionary.
On the one hand, looked at in isolation, such initiatives aim to alter the status quo within a mere two schools – albeit, at New College, to a dramatically greater degree.
On the other, they reflect a newfound willingness among state officials and their appointees to intervene on behalf of their constituents to shape state schools in ways that challenge the Woke, progressive, ideological monoculture that prevails within them and broadly over the academy – and which subsequently has come to pervade American life.
To the extent that such reform efforts serve as models for authorities to combat Wokeism at colleges and universities – and that they presage more widespread and aggressive efforts nationwide – such a sea change within these vital institutions might justify the Left’s alarm.
I report on these efforts in a new piece at RealClearEducation.
As I conclude:
Red states are increasingly engaging in a broad push to purge public institutions of a Wokeness antithetical to the values and principles of their constituents and to punch back against private ones that profit from public business.
Yet at root, it is the schools – where our children spend much of their waking hours – that have disproportionate influence over American society, seeding every other institution that has succumbed to left-wing ideological capture. Few institutions in American life are more vital, or in greater disrepair, than those of higher education.
It is incumbent on lawmakers and their appointees to use every lever of power they can, within every educational institution under their purview, to combat the divisiveness and forcible conformity engendered by DEI, CRT, and the like and to replace it with a system rooted in the values and principles on which Western civilization is based.
If we do not cultivate a free people – beginning with our own minds – we will cease to be a free country.
Read the whole thing here.
Check out my related video commentary at Straight Arrow News.
We must continue countering the cultural revolution, comrade:
Thank you for adding the clarity of your voice to leading us out of this neo-Marxist culture that has captured academia and is daily destroying the minds within them.