The Outrageous, Republic-Distorting Census Error You've Heard Nothing About
For the decade between the 2020 census and the next one, our system will have been compromised—and largely to the benefit of one party.
The Outrageous, Republic-Distorting Census Error You've Heard Nothing About
Not content with the U.S. Supreme Court's perverse ruling blocking the Trump administration from reinstating a plainly constitutional citizenship question in the 2020 U.S. census, and the Census Bureau's apparent insubordination under Trump, House Democrats recently passed legislation making it still more difficult for a future administration to reinstate the citizenship question, and further insulating the Bureau from accountability to any president.
While the "Ensuring a Fair and Accurate Census Act" will do nothing of the sort, it does represent an inadvertent admission of failure in the last census—one of mammoth proportions, and with massive political implications, that you likely have not heard about.
The fact that such a failure has garnered minimal coverage and therefore public attention, while manifesting itself in the corruption of our republican system, demonstrates the disingenuousness of our ruling regime's otherwise-hysterical "democracy defenders."
The failure lies in the census count itself, which according to the Census Bureau's own research was grossly inaccurate, and therefore grossly unfair to the American people.
I write about the staggering errors, and their implications, in a new piece in Newsweek that you can read here.