The Jan. 6 Committee May Be a Sham, but It’s a Deathly Serious One
The Committee should be thought of as the most nakedly partisan force in the Whole-of-Ruling Class War on Wrongthink.
The Jan. 6 Committee May Be a Sham, but It’s a Deathly Serious One

The January 6 Committee may be Kabuki theater, literally stage-managed by an ex-corporate media executive.
It may prove wholly futile, as House Democrats themselves have seemed to acknowledge. Americans do not seem interested in litigating the Capitol breach 18 months later.
But, as I write in a new piece at Epoch Times, we ought not to let the cynical spectacle of the hearings distract from the tyrannical nature of the Committee, and how it fits in the Whole-of-Ruling Class War on Wrongthink being waged against Americans.
As I write in part:
The Committee treats its political opposition as if it is terroristic: It hoovers up the personal information and communications of countless Americans, and compels private companies to do the same. It probes conservative organizations and follows their money flows. It issues subpoenas against sitting members of Congress for their Wrongthink. It destroys the concept of executive privilege, seemingly because in its view Donald Trump was a “domestic violent extremist” leader. It submits criminal referrals to the Justice Department to carry out its jihad. How would it act differently if it was pursuing a terrorist conspiracy?
Perhaps we should not be surprised that as with the civil liberties abuses that have followed efforts to pursue actual terrorists in the past, this effort has done undue damage to virtually every institution.
It has damaged the legislative branch via the rule-breaking, subpoenaing of members, and leaks; the Supreme Court in its targeting of Justice Thomas’s family; the executive branch in killing executive privilege; the Constitution through the Committee’s very creation; and soon the republican system itself when it gets around to calling for abolishing the electoral college.
That the Justice Department seems to be coordinating, shackling and threatening to gag former Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro, slapping new sedition charges on some of the accused, and locking up still others on the eve of the hearings, represents the further weaponization of the Committee—to the detriment of our system.
The Committee should be thought of as the most nakedly partisan force in the Whole-of-Ruling Class War on Wrongthink.
Read the whole thing here.
I'm sick the Repubs have no idea how to fight the sedition of this sham. Why don't they?
You can’t fix stupid.