NBC Undermines the 'Domestic Extremism' Narrative, While Betraying the Ruling Class's Own Power and Bigotry
A recent piece shows the mercifully pathetic nature and irrelevance of U.S. white supremacists, while revealing the threat posed by a Ruling Class targeting millions of Americans
NBC Unintentionally Dunks on the Ruling Class Over Its View of America’s Bigotry
To the Ruling Class’s communications arm doing business as the corporate media, America is besieged by white bigotry, not a nation that has more successfully integrated diverse peoples into a common culture of liberty and justice than any other in human history. It is imperative to explain away any and all evidence to the contrary. It is also critical to champion one’s political allies in this project, no matter their own potential villainy.
NBC News recently provided a textbook example of such mendacity, and odiousness, while inadvertently undermining the favored Ruling Class narrative of American deplorability in covering “White Lives Matter” rallies that never materialized.
As I argue, actual white supremacists, as Zadrozny’s reporting shows, mercifully seem to lack power in this country—contra the popular narrative, which I challenge in the piece.
by an authoritative measure of national animus like the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) hate crime statistics, the latest annual figures from 2019 show some 8,812 victims of bias, 4,930 of which suffered from single-bias incidents concerning race/ethnicity/ancestry, in a country of 330 million, where the number of interactions between different peoples are virtually infinite. To put these numbers in perspective, the FBI reported nearly two times as many estimated murders—16,425—as hate crimes in 2019. Victims of all hate crimes, whether classified as concerning one, or multiple biases, represented .00269 percent of the total U.S. population.
Now, what of the perpetrators of these crimes? Of the 6,406 known offenders identified in 2019, 23.9 percent were black or African American, almost two times the 13 percent of the country this population comprises. That is, blacks committed disproportionately more hate crimes than did those of any other race, including whites, who committed 52.5 percent of all hate crimes while comprising 60 percent of the country.
Left-wing putative civil rights groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, which Zadrozny cites in her piece, routinely cook the books to inflate the threat of white supremacism in America, while de-emphasizing the threats posed by less politically convenient demographics.
Claims that said supremacism is not overt, but even more insidious, subconscious, and systemic—unseen, but ubiquitous—betray an even weaker case.
It is worth stopping, acknowledging, and appreciating: In a country as large and heterogenous as ours, and in a world rife with hatred, America stands as a uniquely and exceptionally harmonious, decent, and tolerant place—in spite of the efforts of the identity politics-obsessed true believers and self-serving cynics, who try and pit us against each other in arguing otherwise.
But what Zadrozny’s reporting also shows is that on the other hand, there is a Ruling Class—consisting of Zadrozny’s colleagues in the corporate media, Big Tech, Woke Capital, and much of the political class including the national security establishment, buttressed by Antifa thugs—bigoted against tens of millions of Americans who dissent from their orthodoxy, and actively working to crush them.
As I conclude, racial supremacism, or indeed any other kind of supremacism, like all totalitarian ideologies, ought to be, and largely is, rejected in America. But so too ought we to reject illiberalism, the evisceration of our rights, and the shredding of our civil society under the banner of fighting evil—led by Woke activists and weaponized Woke institutions.
Read the whole thing here.