National Conservatism Reveals the Ideals Uniting America's Unwoke Patriots
Plus the U.S. Intel Community's Odd Case Against COVID-19 as a Bioweapon
How The Right Can Join Forces To Defeat The Woke Ruling Class
Much has been written about the differences exposed by the wide spectrum of thinkers at the second National Conservatism Conference held last week in the free state of Florida.
These differences between and among participants — from “nationalist conservatives” to “anti-Marxist liberals” — are and were very real and meaningful. But NatCon 2 also revealed commonalities in this nascent movement that transcend our division — indeed, that must transcend our division, given the stakes.
I observe three points of fundamental agreement. First, we see a common set of threats that we believe imperil the American way of life. Second, we believe that the way these threats have been combated — or not — has proven a failure, demanding change. Third, we are united by core beliefs deeper than our differences, understanding we will not have a society to hash out these differences without a vigorous defense of the most basic things.
I expand upon this argument in a new piece at The Federalist.
Video from the spirited debate I moderated at NatCon 2 on U.S.-China policy and Taiwan to come.
The US Intel Community’s Odd Case Against COVID-19 as a Bioweapon
Without much fanfare, the intelligence community (IC) recently declassified the detail backing its predictably inconclusive, highly equivocal analysis of the Chinese coronavirus’s origin.
Remarkably, the sole point on which intelligence officials seem confident—that COVID-19 was not a bioweapon, the most disturbing theory of all—is the one on which they provide the thinnest, weakest, and most oddly-approached argument.
To point this out is not to endorse the bioweapon theory, but to call into question the rigor of the intelligence community’s (IC) analysis.
I explain in a new piece at the Epoch Times.
You can find my video commentary on the IC’s analysis, and the Biden administration’s dereliction of duty in letting Beijing off the hook regarding its COVID malevolence at Straight Arrow News:
I also recently released three new monologues for AMAC on China’s hot war by other means against the U.S., how singing the star-spangled banner is now evidence of domestic terrorism—at least in context of January 6, and on Andrew McCabe’s plum settlement with the Department of Justice and our two-tier justice system.
You can find them all below: