Crocodile Tears for Khashoggi Betray Info Op to Promote His Fellow Islamists
The political-media class leverages his death to justify returning to the disastrous Obama-Biden days
Crocodile Tears for Khashoggi Betray Info Op to Promote His Fellow Islamists
With the Biden administration releasing an intelligence assessment claiming de facto Saudi leader Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS) approved the grisly 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi, the political-media class is once again shedding crocodile tears over his death. Its purpose is more than performative.
In a new piece at The Epoch Times, I argue that it is signaling the dawn of the rebooted Obama-Biden administration project to Make the Middle East Great for Islamists Again, aided by the Iran Deal–Muslim Brotherhood echo chamber that is reassembling in real-time to amplify such stories.
To put a finer point on it:
The political-media class’s feigned outrage over L’affaire Khashoggi betrays its true purpose: To leverage his death as part of a broader information operation aimed at justifying the return to the Obama-Biden administration’s Middle East policy. Reason and facts are not on the side of this policy, so propaganda will have to do. The policy requires reorienting America away from the burgeoning partnership between Israel and several relatively secular strongmen Arab regimes, and towards the Iranian mullocracy, and other Islamist entities.
Read the whole thing here.