Intel Community's COVID Origin Non-Assessment is a China-Protecting Biden Admin Charade
How the virus came about took secondary importance once the CCP weaponized it
The Chinese Coronavirus Origin Charade
The intelligence community’s (IC) recently declassified non-assessment of the origins of the Chinese coronavirus should be seen as part of a continued charade by the Biden administration that—in effect—protects Communist China.
It enables Team Biden to present the appearance of concern over China’s malign behavior, while absolving itself of any responsibility to forthrightly confront it.
That the IC’s non-conclusion was precisely its public view before its review even took place alone demonstrates this was a sideshow.
Because in the final analysis, how the coronavirus came about is of secondary importance to what China did once it was literally or figuratively out of the bottle.
As I argue in a new piece at the Epoch Times:
The CCP lied, deceived, and in effect weaponized the coronavirus that began on its soil. It did everything possible to conceal what was transpiring subsequent to the outbreak, stop other nations from taking necessary precautions—while advocating they shut down human life for months on end—and encourage its spread globally, which it has tried to exploit and leverage at every point to increase its power and influence.
The Biden administration has never made this point clear—that a hostile China weaponized the virus, and used it to pursue its ambitions. Consequently, it has never vowed to make China pay for it. And this in turn substantiates the point that the Biden administration’s punting of the question of the origin of the coronavirus to the intelligence community was part of a charade.
The review was the best the Biden administration could do if it wanted to create the impression of holding China to account out of political necessity, without doing anything about it.
I explain why in the piece, which you can read in full here.