Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal is the Ultimate *American* Information Operation
Our Ruling Class' obsession with Russian information and influence has served as a diversion from the information operations it has been running against domestic political foes
Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal Is the Ultimate American Information Operation
How did Hunter Biden's depraved behavior and his and his family members' dubious dealings with adversaries and oligarchs compromise and corrupt Joe Biden? What did Joe know, when did he know it and did he directly or indirectly profit? To what extent would—and today, does—the Biden family's conduct loom over vital issues of American foreign policy, and thus national security?
We were deprived of the answers to these critical questions during the 2020 election—deprived of hearing the questions asked themselves—because of one of the gravest American information operations in history, masquerading as a defense against a Russian information operation.
Now, our Ruling Class' chief organ has admitted it. It took 17 months, and 24 paragraphs into an article at first glance unrelated, but buried in a New York Times report on the apparently sprawling federal investigation into Hunter Biden, the "Paper of Record" revealed the truth we've long known: Hunter's "laptop from hell" is real.
We knew this before Joe Biden was elected. But millions of Americans didn't because the corporate media, the Deep State for which it serves as a conduit and the Big Tech that propagates their Official Narratives conspired together to suppress the true story while amplifying the politically beneficial one.
The people who purport to defend "our democracy," in other words, thwarted the republic by concealing from the public the kind of crucial information on which war and peace hinges.
The many layers to this scandal are worth recounting because they so vividly reveal a pervasive rot at the core of our country that is poised to fester absent a massive reckoning.
In a new piece at Newsweek, I peel back said layers.
As I conclude in part:
The American mind, and therefore the body politic, is not imperiled by some Russian troll farm.
No, outside of the schools, which cultivate suicidal anti-American self-loathing and Wokedom, the great threat in the information sphere derives from a weaponized, hyper-political national security apparatus unmoored from the people it exists to defend, a progressive press that does its bidding and a like-minded Big Tech behemoth that works hand-in-hand with them to censor and control narratives.
It is infinitely more insidious when the institutions we rely upon to keep us safe, to inform us and to enable free and open discourse conspire against those countrymen with whom they disagree than when foreign adversaries themselves meddle.
We expect adversaries to attack us. To attack Americans like adversaries is to make America like its adversaries.
This is an existential threat to our republic.
And if none of these actors are ever held to account, it guarantees infinitely worse to come.
Read the whole thing here.
Biden caves to China again to appease Woke left
For Straight Arrow News, I delivered a commentary on the Biden administration’s disastrous dismantling of the China Initiative—while it ramps up its resources to target American Wrongthinkers.