FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid Presents a Time for Choosing: The Regime, or America
You either stand with our totalitarian regime, or you stand with the Americans it seeks to bring to heel
FBI's Mar-a-Lago Raid Presents a Time for Choosing: The Regime, or America
It wasn't enough for The Regime to concoct claims of treasonous Russian collusion to spy on his campaign, and then use the subsequent "investigations" to divert and destabilize his administration while covering up its misdeeds.
It wasn't enough for The Regime to execute two farcical impeachments and sabotage his every act in open insubordination and contempt—effectively forestalling a peaceful transfer of power, and depriving Americans of a full four years from which we would have all more richly benefited.
It wasn't enough for The Regime to do everything in its power to "fortify" the 2020 election against him, just as it wouldn't be enough for The Regime to disqualify him from the 2024 ballot—in defense of "democracy," of course—under the fraudulent pretext of an "insurrection."
The Regime wants President Donald J. Trump arrested, shackled, and left to rot in prison, I write in a new piece at Newsweek.
Of this escalation in the War on Wrongthink, I add:
Having suffered what it perceived to be a near-death experience in the election of Donald Trump, The Regime must now show that anyone and everyone from the lowliest of non-violent January 6-ers held in pretrial detention to Trump himself can, and will, be crushed if they dare to not submit.
Those celebrating the Mar-a-Lago raid are condoning the very authoritarian behavior they claim to decry.
They are cheering on the transformation of America into something beneath a banana republic, into something even more demoralizing and devastating: the greatest nation in the history of mankind being reduced to a decaying and decadent dictatorship of the Woketariat.
We find ourselves in a dire circumstance in which our every critical institution is being, or has been turned, against itself, and trained on the very public it was supposed to serve.
The raid of the estate of a president by a lawless security apparatus on behalf of his successor represents the crossing of a civilizational Rubicon.
Read the whole thing here.