Durham Report Indicts Deep State—And its Media Co-Conspirators
With even a modicum of skepticism, curiosity, or intellectual honesty, journalists could have stepped in to defend our republic

The Durham Report Indicts the Deep State—And the Media
Our ruling class will use any means necessary—no matter how lawless, vicious, or brazen—to preserve its power and privilege. And it will seemingly never pay a price for its corruption and criminality. That is the ultimate lesson conveyed in the more than three hundred pages of gory details about the republic-eroding scandal that is Russiagate, comprising Special Counsel John Durham's final report.
I did a deep dive into the Durham Report which I turned into a thread on Twitter for your reading pleasure — revealing these and many more such takeaways.
In the first of likely several pieces to come on the subject deriving from that close read, today I wrote in Newsweek about the media’s culpability in foisting this scandal upon us.
As I note, the Durham Report reiterates what even casual observers have long known: Russiagate was a farce from the very beginning and in virtually every respect thereafter. The effort to delegitimize, destabilize, and destroy Donald Trump’s presidency on the basis of “Trump-Russia collusion”
was born of hearsay, ludicrous innuendo, and laughable inferences. Its sources were biased, unscrupulous, and shady. The investigators acted corruptly, lawlessly, and violated basic practices and time-honored norms in pursuing a probe of the highest stakes. They could not corroborate the key pillars on which they "built" their "case" and covered their eyes and ears in the face of exculpatory evidence at every turn. The lack of due diligence and carelessness is staggering—if you were to assume the FBI and Justice Department were operating in good faith. Despite the glaring deficiencies in their case and the blatant violation of the rights of innocent Americans, including among them true patriots, nothing would slow them down.
It did not have to be this way. Were American journalists at our nation's most storied publications adversaries of the ruling class rather than its stenographers—had they even a modicum of skepticism, curiosity, or intellectual honesty, they could have stepped in to defend our republic.
They could have exposed one of the greatest scandals in American history: that our national security and law enforcement apparatus effectively sought to halt the transfer of power to a president they feared and loathed by pursuing him as a traitor, based on crackpot conspiracy theories borne of his political opponent's research.
Instead, they proved to be a witting co-conspirator in a plot against our republic in the name of saving “democracy” (read: invaliding the votes of tens of millions of Americans).
Read the whole piece over at Newsweek.
Below are links to much of my past work on Russiagate. I believe the Durham Report thoroughly validates my reportage and opinion work on this epic scandal:
Durham Special Counsel Revealed Regime Rot—in Failures and Successes (Newsweek, 10/24/22)
The FBI Paid for Russian Disinformation While Punishing a Patriot (Newsweek, 9/23/22)
Michael Sussmann Free And Peter Navarro In Shackles Epitomize America’s Two-Tier Justice (The Federalist, 6/6/22)
If Durham Seeks To Serve Russiagate Justice, Will AG Garland Let Him? (Newsweek, 9/29/21)
Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies? (The Federalist, 12/9/20)
Michael Flynn Exoneration Will Turn An American Tragedy Into a Triumph (Newsweek, 5/8/20)
Federal Prosecutors Drop Charges In Special Counsel’s Most Russia-Related Case For Collusion (The Federalist, 3/20/20)
7 Glaring Omissions In The Mueller Report That Kill Its Credibility (The Federalist, 4/23/19)
Why Democrats Freaked Out When Barr Said The Trump Campaign Was Spied On (The Federalist, 4/15/19)
The Media Failed On Collusion Because They Wanted Trump To Be A Traitor (The Federalist, 4/2/19)
An Open Letter to Rep. Adam Schiff and the Trump-Hating Political Establishment (PJ Media, 2/25/19)
How Bureaucracy Wars Against Americans’ Control Of Their Own Government (The Federalist, 2/15/19)
Andrew C. McCarthy Interview on Russiagate, Clinton-Trump Investigation Double Standards, Mueller’s Mandate, DOJ-FBI-CIA Politicization (Big Ideas with Ben Weingarten, 6/13/18)
One Year In, The Russia Investigations Keep Leading Back To The Investigators (The Federalist, 5/17/18)
Former CIA Director’s Broadside Against Trump Accidentally Proves Intel Agencies’ Politicization (The Federalist, 5/2/18)
Okay Adam Schiff, Show Us The Russia Collusion (The Federalist, 3/15/18)
Clapper And Flynn: Is The Justice Department Adhering To A Double Standard On Perjury? (The Federalist, 3/14/18)
Collusion-Mongers Hurt America Far Worse Than The Indicted Russians Did (The Federalist, 2/21/18)
In the Left’s Russia hysteria, it is acting just like Russian propagandists (Conservative Review, 12/26/16)
Russia hacked the 2016 election? 4 questions conservatives should be asking (Conservative Review, 12/13/16)