Deep State Plays Victim in Mar-a-Lago Raid so Ruling Regime Can Keep Persecuting Wrongthinkers
Since it cannot defend its actions, the regime resorts to calling its critics terrorists, seeking to silence them, and if need be hunting down and breaking them.
Deep State Plays Victim in Mar-a-Lago Raid so Administration Can Keep Persecuting Wrongthinkers
Your Deep State, aided by its corporate media communications arm, would like you to know that its rank corruption, brazen intimidation, and chilling weaponization on behalf of our ruling administration aren’t the real danger to America.
Rather, it’s those who would dare to call out tyranny, let alone seek to combat it, who are the real danger—not to America of course, but to its power and privilege.
These Deep State foes, therefore—the chief one of whom it was recently reported plans to launch a MOAB at it in the form of 50,000 firings should he win a second term—must be crushed.
This is the message emanating from the top ranks of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid. These agencies have served as the tip of the spear of the ruling class’s War on Wrongthink, of which Donald J. Trump was and remains the primary target—albeit one representative of tens of millions of Americans. The administration’s own aggression at Mar-a-Lago, indirectly, has enabled the next act in its inquisition.
I’ve got the story in a new piece at the Epoch Times, which you can find here.