Deep State Allies Play Judge, Jury and Perhaps Executioner Against Durham
Even if Durham desperately wanted to bring every last Russiagate perp to justice, he'd still be up against an entire system arrayed against him
Deep State Allies Play Judge, Jury and Perhaps Executioner Against Durham

Assume for the sake of argument that Special Counsel John Durham was doggedly devoted to pursuing every last individual implicated in crimes regarding the origins of Russiagate/Spygate, and subsequent investigatory and prosecutorial efforts.
Assume that no matter the rank of the perpetrators, the professional and personal costs he and his team might incur, and the fact he serves at the pleasure of the Biden Justice Department, Durham would do whatever it takes to bring to justice all those who broke the law.
Still, he would face a greater than uphill battle. For he would be taking on an entire system arrayed against him, just like it was arrayed against former President Donald Trump.
The trial of Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann demonstrates well the extent to which Durham is playing an away game against The Swamp—the Deep State, the political establishment and their manifold allies—that will make even those less sensitive targets being pursued on more narrow and straightforward grounds difficult to bring to justice.
I write about the challenges even the most dogged Durham would face in a new piece at Newsweek.
Elon Musk vs. The Deep State Too
Check out my two-part video series at Straight Arrow News on the ongoing Elon Musk-Twitter/Ruling class struggle.
Part I: Free speech proponents should cheer Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover
Part II: Ruling class hates Elon Musk because, like Trump, he threatens their power
For those on the West Coast, I’ll be speaking on a panel regarding the “Ministry of Truth,” disinformation, and the War on Wrongthink at #AMPFestWest the weekend of 6/2. Details here and registration info here.
Likely, however their only way out may be to pin Hillary as the sacrificial lamb as if an isolated case and not what it suggests. A system-wide rot filled with corruption.