Gov Cuomo's Potemkin Pandemic Response and #MeToo Scandals--and the Media's Complicity
Plus woke capitalism's excesses, Biden's open borders, the Capitol Riot Commission caper, and the political-media class's exploitation of Khashoggi's murder
For your weekend viewing pleasure, wanted to share a variety of media hits of likely interest from the last several days:
Emily Jashinsky and I devoted a full episode to the twin scandals of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in his Potemkin pandemic response effort, and present #MeToo moment—and the chasm between the substance of the scandals and the media’s sycophantic coverage (or lack thereof) of them. Our guest was American Mind managing editor Seth Barron, author of the forthcoming book, The Last Days of New York.
In the latest episode we discussed:
Woke Capital’s support for the Orwellian Equality Act
The return of Open Borders and how conservatives ought to argue on immigration
The cynical ploy of the Capitol Riots Commission—and its greater purpose in the War on Wrongthink
How the political-media class are exploiting Khashoggi’s death to prop up Iran and its Islamist partners, while downgrading America’s allies and partners—to our detriment
I discussed my latest piece at The Epoch Times, “Crocodile Tears for Khashoggi Betray Info Op to Promote His Fellow Islamists” on Newsmax’s “The National Report.”