COVID is Becoming the Afghanistan of Pandemics
As with Afghanistan, we are heading toward a quagmire—one in which we stand to lose far more, far quicker, and from which we may never recover—unless and until Americans reassert their sovereignty
COVID Is Becoming the Afghanistan of Pandemics
Nebulous goals? Attendant mission creep?
Haphazard, irrational, often counter-productive and never-questioned/measured policies?
A lack of transparency and accountability?
No exit strategy?
An inability or unwillingness, at core, to know ourselves and our enemy?
I’m not talking about the Afghanistan War, but I just as well could be.
Instead, I am referring to the burgeoning Forever COVID War—one that threatens to sap us far more in blood, treasure, and liberty.
In a new piece at Newsweek—which I think serves as something of an homage to the late, great Angelo Codevilla—I draw out the striking, disastrous parallels between the two.
Read the whole thing here.