Why You Should Be Skeptical Of The New ‘Tough On China’ Joe Biden
The administration's deeds, and the globalist personnel executing them--longtime supporters of China's rise, with troubling ties--betray purportedly strong words
Why You Should Be Skeptical Of The New ‘Tough On China’ Joe Biden
The Biden administration and its corporate media cheerleaders are at pains to tell you that career-long China kowtower Joe Biden is “tough on China.” But toughness can only be proven by action. Contra the official narrative, President Biden’s initial policies and those tasked with implementing and building upon them do not indicate strength. Rather, they signal a reversion to the status quo ante of weakness—to America’s detriment.
This held true before President Biden’s galling statement about the Uighur genocide last night.
I’ve got the story in a new piece at The Federalist that contrasts the Biden administration’s rhetoric with its disastrous acts to date, and chronicles the backgrounds of the arguably compromised senior officials executing them.
In short, I find that the key players crafting the administration’s China policy perfectly reflect “The Big Guy” who hired them—and we will all suffer it.
Read the whole thing here.