America’s Speech Police Present a Daunting Deep State Challenge
Plus a preliminary post-mortem on the 2022 Midterms
New Revelations About America’s Speech Police Illustrate Challenges for Reformers of Deep State
One wonders how far a modern-day Church Committee could realistically hope to get in reining in a Deep State run as far amok as ours.
For a sobering window into just how systemic and fundamental the rot within our national security and intelligence apparatus is, and therefore how arduous any such effort to reform it would be, look no further than recent revelations from The Intercept about America’s literal Speech Police.
The progressive publication’s reporting on specific elements of the mis-, dis-, and mal-information jihad the U.S. government is executing—integral to its War on Wrongthink—are dire enough in their own right. But what they reveal about the nature of the institutions, and the people who populate them, represents an even deeper and more daunting challenge with which would-be reformers would have to grapple.
I unpack this story in a new piece at the Epoch Times, writing in part:
It’s almost a law of physics that bureaucracies, once put in power, will seek to grow their power, and that the more powerful they get, the more likely they are to abuse it. When it comes to government bureaucracies, almost invariably they’re staffed with those who believe in greater government control, and that they know better than those who they’re supposed to be serving.
Applied to the national security and intelligence apparatus, we see agencies with the most awesome powers abusing them in ever more brazen ways and increasingly training them on American citizens—in part because the bureaucrats believe they know best, that they have an obligation to keep us rubes safe from ourselves, and if nothing else that it’s imperative to aggressively pursue American Wrongthinkers to protect their own power and privilege.
At the core is a cynical hubris: Our betters have a monopoly on “truth”—by which they mean that their narrative on a whole slew of hotly contested, often highly subjective, issues core to maintaining their power is the sole, politically correct one—and therefore that any competing narratives must be deep-sixed.
It’s a tall enough task to rein in big and powerful institutions. It’s made that much harder when they are populated by those endowed with the belief that they’re defenders of the one true secular anti-faith, and that neither law nor tradition is an obstacle to ensuring we submit to it.
Read the whole thing here, and check out a related video I cut for Straight Arrow News here.
NatCon Squad Elections Special
Last night the NatCon Squad recorded our preliminary post-mortem on the 2022 Midterm elections. During the episode, we discussed why the Red Wave crashed, the highs, the lows, and the go-forward implications. Check it out below: